On this page you will find various photos of Marj, and pictures of some of her famous Christmas cards!  More photos are coming. If you have any you would like to share, please send the files to me here.

Photos of Marj

Robert Rickover and Marjorie Barstow, Alexander Technique Teachers

Marj and Robert Rickover, June 1989

Robert Rickover and Marjorie Barstow, Alexander Technique Teachers

Marj and Robert Rickover, June, 1988

Robert and Marj, late 1989s.

Robert and Marj, late 1989s.

Marj teaching in the 1980s

Marj teaching in the 1980s

Pamela Blanc and Marjorie, 1978

Pamela Blanc and Marj, 1978

Marj’s Famous Christmas Cards

marjxmas1 marjxmas2marjxmas7

marjxmas3 marjxmas4

Reference to Marj in the 1928 “Who’s Who in Lincoln”

FullSizeRenderWho’s Who images courtesy Maija Burdic