The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique
Comprehensive information about the Alexander Technique – including finding an Alexander Technique teacher anywhere in the world.

Up With Gravity
Harness the power of gravity, release tension and lighten up.

Online Posture and Movement Coaching
Learn the Alexander Technique anywhere in the world

Alexander Podcast
Podcasts about all aspects of the Alexander Technique. Listen or subscribe using iTunes

Alexander Audio
Additional Audio interviews (some overlap with the Podcast)

Alexander Video
The global online resource for videos about the Alexander Technique

Alexander Talk
Lighthearted, incisive conversations about the Alexander Technique

Ergonomics and Alexander Technique
Posture, Motion, Ergonomics and the Alexander Technique

Pilates and Alexander Technique
Joseph Hubertus Pilates and F. Matthias Alexander – the men and their discoveries compared and contrasted

The Posture Page
Diverse approaches to posture improvement, including the Alexander Technique

Physical Therapy and Alexander Technique
Exploring the relationships between these two fields

Alexander Technique Teacher Training
Information about becoming an Alexander Technique teacher, including locating training courses

Body Learning Blog
Robert Rickover’s Alexander Technique Blog

Alexander Technique Blogs
Comprehensive listing of Alexander Technique Blogs